Bridge House Independent School

Vocational Studies (BTEC)

At Bridge House, in our BTEC Vocational Studies curriculum, students can acquire and develop a wide variety of both theory and practical based skills that will enrich their adult lives and expand their potential.

During our practical element to the BTEC Vocational Studies we focus on supporting students to develop personal, social and independence skills, encouraging them to be independent creative, problem-solving thinkers. This practical approach aims to bolster their confidence and self-awareness enabling them to progress onto further education, live independently, and seek future employment

Throughout our BTEC Vocational Studies curriculum students have access to our wood workshop which offers them great opportunities to experience and learn new hands-on practical skills and development of fundamental engineering and carpentry skills in incremental stages; research, designing a product, understanding construction/engineering, and producing a final product. 

 The challenging practical activities offered in the workshop enable students to relieve stresses, boost self-esteem and a sense of achievement. It is rewarding for our students once they complete successful woodwork projects. 

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